Copyright © Zotung Refugee Learning Centre.  All rights reserved.




Our curated curriculum is aimed at 3 key objectives. They are:


We believe effective communication is key in abling our children to fend for themselves when they are required to enter the workforce to support their families.

Apart from the ability to speak, it is equally important for our children to know how to make themselves understood as  they engage with society at large. This in return will help them understand themselves better and provide clarity as to what they would like to pursue


Given how the majority of refugee learning centres are structured, most refugee children cannot appreciate the concept of cause and effect. There is very little differentiation between children who do well and children who do not do well in school because they do not have a permanent pool of educators to nuture and monitor their progress. The majority of learning centres are highly dependant on volunteers that come and go

We limit our dependance of ad-hoc volunteers and provide regular feedback for our children's progress though the use of report cards, parent teacher meetings and annual prize giving awards


Our children are often reminded by their parents that being relocated by UNHCR is their only option for a better life

We teach our children how to equip themselves with skills that they can use regardless of where they eventually end up.