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13th Station - Jesus Is Taken Down From The Cross


We adore you O Christ & we praise you


Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

Consider how, after Our Lord had died, He was taken down from the cross by two of His disciples, Joseph and Nicodemus, and placed in the arms of His afflicted Mother. She received Him with unutterable tenderness and pressed Him close to her bosom (kneel)

Joseph of Arimathea gave Jesus his own burial cave because Jesus didn’t have a place to be buried. Joseph was another one of Jesus’ friends who took a risk to help him.

Are we always staying in our comfort zone that prevents us from helping others?

Prayer : All
Jesus often I only want to help others only if it doesn't require too much of my time and reserouc. Help me to come out of my comfort zone and be in active service for others AMEN

Sing : All
Were you there when they took His body down?  X 2
Oh! Sometimes It causes me to
Tremble, tremble, trembleWere you there when they took His body down?